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How to get started with Konciv

The Konciv solution platform allows you to build your customized application in the matter of minutes. In this article we will give you an introduction to the basic configurations you need to build you Konciv app.

Step Zero: Signing up

Easily create your account on https://hub.konciv.com. Choose "REGISTER COMPANY". Choose "Customer" and "No template" to get started with an empty template:
After registration, you should receive an invitation email. Follow the link in the email to activate your account. Please check your spam- folder if the email is not received within 10 minutes or contact us at support@konciv.com.

Step 1 - Create your project(s)

After setting up your account, adding users, and creating user groups you can start configuring your application. The first thing you should do is to create a project. Projects can be viewed as any context in that you organize everything inside. All items in Konciv are linked to a project and access rights are given based on those projects. If all your items will be open for all users and added in the same context you only need one project. If you need to split the data between users/contexts you should add more projects. Add a project by navigating to "Projects" in the left side menu and clicking "Add new project"

Step 2 - Create your item type

After creating a project you should start adding data objects, known as Item types. Item types are templates that you will be using for creating actual items. An item type can be "car", "vessel", "inventory" or whatever you want to manage in Konciv. On the item type, you configure what data properties to manage, how the items are viewed in a table, and what additional functionalities you want to enable on the items created from this template. In this example, we will be creating a simple app for managing an inventory of fruits. So we will navigate to "Admin" -> "Item types" -> "New item type":
There are several options when configuring an item type, but for now, we will keep to the basics and add fields to manage this item type. To ensure that all properties are by default available when viewing this item type in a list - choose "Set as default (all)".

Step 3 - Create your first item

After having created your item type, navigate to the item list. This is where you and your users will create and interact with items based on your item type. You can also switch between projects and the different item types (if you created more than one), do advanced searches in your data, and much more. For now, we will create our first Item based on our item type "Fruits". Do this by choosing "New item":
Save your item, and that's it! You now have your first very basic app up and running. Navigate back to the item list to see what it looks like in the list. You can now invite others to join this basic app to create and manage items:
Naturally, Konciv is packed with more features and details for you to explore so we urge you to visit the other tutorials to learn about:
  • Advanced features on the item types
  • Creating filtered lists and menus
  • Managing and using locations
  • Creating custom action buttons
  • Understanding the access model
  • Using the APIs
...and much more.